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L' Art de Bien Traiter

L. S. R.

Luzarches, France: Daniel Morcrette


"L' Art de Bien Traiter, divise en trois parties. ouvrage nouveau, curieux, et fort galant, utile a toutes personnes, et conditions."

"The art of treating well, divided into three parts. New, curious, and very gallant work, useful to all people and conditions."

by L.S.R. (possibly Sieur Robert or Sieur Rolland)

1978 Facsimile Copy/Reissue of 1674 edition originally printed in Paris by Jean du Puis

From the private collection of Carl G. Sontheimer

Gifted to Harvard University by the Sontheimer Foundation and and later returned the Sontheimer Estate.

Full blue sheepskin with morocco grain, gilt edges, ribbed spine, gilt covers reproducing the copy bearing the arms of Louis XIV, interior garlands, 415 pages (413 original), cream paper, bands, initials and tailpieces, foreword, preface, table of contents, privilege of the king , ref. Vicar 43 + 891.

Superb facsimile of the most extreme rarity original edition. Nothing specific is known about Mr. Robert. ”This enigmatic character is nevertheless the author of the most representative book of the revival of French cuisine in the classical age. Even if he criticizes the archaisms, beggarly and disgusting lessons of the French cook, Robert upsets the innovations of La Varenne less than he radicalizes and systematizes them. All these choices also tend to respect the true taste of things, in the search for a refined simplicity, now equated with true delicacy in cooking and makes culinary art one of the places where politeness is tested. des mœurs”, shared between the two booksellers Jean Du Puys and Frédéric Léonard and a Lyon reissue of 1693. One of the rarest 17th century cookbooks reprinted in only 250 copies.

Limited Edition 130/250 as stated in rear of book:

Acheve d'imprimer sur lespresses des imprimeries reunies de senlis pour Daniel Morcrette 95270 Luzarches (France) le 15 Novembre 1978. Relie par la reliure d'art du centre, limoges - tire a 250 exemplaires - Depot Legal No 897 - 1978 


finished printing on the presses of the reunified printing works of senlis for Daniel Morcrette 95270 Luzarches (France) on November 15, 1978. bound by the center art binding, limoges - edition of 250 copies - legal deposit No 897 - 1978

Regular price $350.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $350.00 USD
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